Friday, May 30, 2008

The Unity and Polity of India.

Looking at the issues concerning Rajasthan at the present, I believe, that the Government, by which is inferred the Union as well as the State Government, has to take some serious tasks on hand concerning Social Issues. The fact is, Robin Hood, took from the rich and gave the poor, but he had no moral and social jurisdiction, or justification. Whenever a member of a powerful section of society is disadvantaged, his family is indirectly affected,too. How can one justify, depriving those who have, and giving to those who do not have? The answer is not depriving those who have, and assisting those who do not have. We have the globe, and history as precedents. India must take the world as an example to herself, in the manner of all the positives that she can derive, from all the various public and social institutions. Why cannot India, for instance, combine the positive functionings of The United States, Great Britain, and The Chinese models of Government, and learn from all the positive experiences of the other nations of the world, in this regard? For example, at the state level, we might have a colligiate system of election, as in the United States, and in the center, have direct elections, to the Lower House of Parliament. We can learn from the Chinese model of government, the lesson of Government not being influenced by forces extraneous to the functioning of government. Or we can combine all three models, in the legislature of the Union and State Governments. Now, all the sections of society are powerful. We cannot take from a number of people, and give to another equal number of people. Perhaps, the government can call a number of prominent representatives from each section of society, and formulate a new policy for the people of India. What people must realise, is that at any given time, a person does not perceive himself as intelligent as another, in excess, all the time, nor is the income of all the citizens of any nation, equal to the last paisa. It is because of this reason, that there are millionaires and paupers constituting the polity of a nation.

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Mirror of The Self.

The world is your mirror. By this I mean, what you see the world to be, you are putting yourself in the world's position, and judging yourself. If a man wants complete fealty from a woman, he is putting himself in the position of that woman, and judging himself.In the same way, the followers of Jesus Christ or Mohammad, see themselves as what they see in their religious leaders. I did not mention any Hindu Avatar, but what I said in the last sentence, holds true for Hindu's too(but naturally). The real thing is not to believe in God, but somehow to know, that he exists. Belief and disbelief are the same thing. If a man sees good, he is reminded of God, when he does not see good, he is not. You disbelieve God, when you do not see good. This is my humble opinion, but an Avatar or Prophet does nothing. His followers do it all. The Avatar ignites the spirit of the people around him, but the people fail to recognize it. Even Duryodhana in the Mahabharat, saw heaven, even though he is considered to be how the Christians consider the Anti-Christ. What is surprising, is that the Mahabharat, does not mention that Duryodhana was liberated. It is said, that the thought of an Avatar is liberating, and Duryodhana actually saw, and touched, an Avatar!(I presume). This shows, that the compiler of the Mahabharata is a true devotee. He does not even contemplate the possibility of liberation, when contemplating the Lord.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Thoughts on The Book of Job.

The Book of Job is an important literary document which is studied. Two ideas make an impression on me. One is on Job's exclamation, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return there." The word, "there", suggests that he sees God, as both his father and mother. Another idea, which comes to mind, is that he loves God for God's sake, and no other reason. I see many parallels to Hinduism in this ancient document. The ideal of submission to the will of God, finds a parallel to the faith of Islam. The main idea which comes to mind, is that just as we judge happenings, others also judge them, and we are reminded that opinions, when they are due to a dependence on them, are very fallible. However, this text is fascinating, as it gives an insight into the mature consciousness of the people of the ancient world.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Thoughts on The Prologue to The Canterbury Tales.

In my opinion, Chaucer was very humorous while dealing with the subject of the many characters of the work mentioned in the heading. However, if society at that time had looked at it's workings more sympathetically, then the situation might have improved then. This holds true of Chaucer's observations, too. There were good Peers like the Duke of Lancaster, but there was growing dissatisfaction among the general population, during the time of Chaucer. Those who were dissatisfied, were the cause of their own dissatisfaction. These included members of the Peerage, and it percolated down to the other people. Perhaps, with common good sense, the Deadly Plague, and the peasants revolt, may have been averted. But the good sense had to be exercised by all. What I had wanted to express in this piece, was that the Saints of Christianity, were perhaps only there to be looked up to. Chaucer is critical, but there he stops short. Did society, even during The Middle Age, feel that Christianity was too great an ideal to follow for the common man? Perhaps, it is not for me to say, but one does not live an ideal, because ideals are imaginations of situations, which one may not see oneself a part of. One has the ideal in mind, but one does not get demoralized having the ideal in mind. One does not know what bend the great work of Chaucer was to take later, as it is incomplete, but these are a few of the expressions of my thought, which I have recorded. I hope I have not been very eager in my expressions, and offended in my eagerness.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Government Policy and Civilian Cooperation.

I saw a news bite on an Indian Hindi News Channel, where the workers in the canteen of the hospital were stealing the kitchen of food, and the kitchen was neglected. I must point out, that the very taxpayers who pay taxes, lay waste their taxes paid when they behave in the above manner. The general perception among people, is that one has to be extremely crooked to be very rich. This is a fallacy. Business runs because of certain practices. Even the fines one pays in business, is a process of business.If Mr Bill Gates looses a lawsuit, it is a process of business. If one has to change the course of paying fines, one must change the process of business. The government is not out of public and/or private lives, nor is the common man out of the process of government in a democracy. The government makes civil and criminal laws that affect the common man. The common man elects the government. Society must stand as one, and together, and be more intimate where it should be. If the soldier indulges in business, or if a businessman fights on the front, then there will be a clash of interests. The key to a progressive society, is to recognize and accept this state of affairs.The civil/military population are one with the government. The nation is one entity. When this is realized, the cooperation between the government and those that are affect by the it, will be a result.

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Last Avatar of Lord Vishnu.

When a person feels grieved,and asks God for the reason, I understand and empathize with the person. However, one knows the mistakes the mind can make, when trying to fathom an Avatar. I have extreme happiness when I do so, but soon after, I experience apprehension. My mind, which can experience negative emotions, how can it hope to experience an Avatar? The greatest mistake of man, which is trying to experience some of the virtues of God, through an Avatar, is his greatest blessing. The last Avatar will have a steed, as has been said by the Sages. All, whether Hindu, Muslim, Jew, Christian, etc, will identify with him, but not give up their individual faiths, and he will help their faith.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Virtues of God.

I am a great believer in God. When one believes in the virtues of God, and wants to be reminded of and contemplate God's virtues, one does not want to loose the ability of the experience. Hence, the knowledge of Brahman, can be an experience which is undesirable. The best way to experience Brahman, is to do so while contemplating the virtues of God. Then one surrenders completely, and gets the "vision" of Brahman. If one believes in God, one must try one's best to get the nearest experience of God. Otherwise, one is disillusioned. One knows that God loves and cares for all, but because of self conditioning, one sees a lot of the negative perception of creation, and this leads to grief and disillusion.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Awareness of the Holy.

In one great poem of Sri Rabindra Nath Tagore, a beggar is asked by a King, who asks in jest, for alms. The beggar is very embarassed, and resists the Kings good humor. When the King departs, the beggar finds a particle of gold in his possession. His laments on why he did not give the King his all. The beggar, in the presence of the King, had elevated his own status to the status of the King. Similarly, in the presence of a sannyasi, or a Holy Man, one finds ones being elevated. The Holy Man may not think himself great, that is his greatness, but the people around him imagine him extremely great, and hence, elevate themselves, for themselves. I feel extremely humble, in the presence of such people. But this elevates my feelings, and I am aware of my feelings. This may cause conflict, but the whole purpose of life is to integrate one's belief in God and the Holy, in one's life. One just has to love God, and one becomes an Aristocrat, just by being in his presence.