Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What is Disease?

Perhaps, disease is a process of the body, on the way to attain a certain state, in which it is at relative ease. Maybe, if we do not accept the illness, the result is death. It is my surmise, that if one can endure a disease, instead of fighting it, one will grow to be immune, towards the disease. Every illness has a life span, and the disease cannot live longer than the patient. If we fight the illness, the illness becomes strong, and endures. It might be contemplated, that medicine should be an end, so that the patient endures and becomes stronger, and hence, the illness becomes weaker. One should not fight the illness, but allow it to run its course, in a depreciating scale, which is but a natural phenomenon, for all illness. The aim should not be to destroy the illness, but to heal the patient despite the illness. We may get rid of all trace of any illness, but another illness will take the place of the previous one. This is because, illness is not an abnormal phenomenon, but a process of life, which is temporary.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Naval Conflicts of The Second World War.

During the conflicts at sea, which were located at the Atlantic Ocean, during the second world war, very few have appreciated the swinging pendulum, which was the fortune of the German Navy. They changed a big disadvantage, of not having a sailing aviation arm, into an advantage, as they developed a formidable submarine fleet, and this, in the end, was also the cause of their downfall, as they neglected their surface naval ships, and mainly concentrated their efforts towards their submarine arm. After their dominance overseas, and on the continent of Europe was ended, they had effectively lost the war. Without a reasonably balanced Navy, no nation which has a large coastline, can hope to keep military events at a certain balance, for a duration of time. I have never known of voices in the German Navy, complain of their various needs and wants, during the Great War. The Air Force of Germany, was very active near the coastline of occupied Europe, but near to, and further, than the heart of the Atlantic Ocean, they did not have the resources, to control events at sea. They were a nation, with a relatively new naval history. The Japanese Navy, on the other hand, could make Aircraft Carriers from merchant ships. If one is to measure the military intent of any seafaring nation, then one should measure the estimate of her navy. It is relatively easier to move material on water, than on land. This is due to the congestion and limitations of land routes. The advantages of having a large coastline, are also its own disadvantages. Ones advantages, are also shared by one's enemy.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Stock Market Drop.

It is perhaps advisable for people to be long term investors in the stock market. For example, if I invest Rs 1000 in the market, and make a profit of Rs 600, perhaps I should spend the Rs 600, and reinvest the Rs 1000. The stock market drop, is not due to the financial challenges faced by the United States, but perhaps, because the stock market has become a legal means to speculate.The market is reacting exactly as it should, in India. Indian Industry should not be dazzled by the Dow Jones index. In my humble opinion, the United States economy, is working at cross purposes with herself. On one hand, the Interest rate has to be low, of the Federal Reserve, because, the exporting countries to the U S have to be paid in dollars, and it is not in the interest of the U S to have a high rate of interest. On the other hand, Th U S has to buy more from countries like China, because she does not manufacture low cost goods on a very large scale. The American economy seems to be caught in a bind. The Federal Reserve rate is also low for the reason that a large number of lenders to the American banks are big corporate houses, so it makes sense that the American lending rate is low. Another reason is that America is the land of entrepreneurs, who should be relatively safe, while borrowing for entrepreneurship. However, the Stock Market, being accessible to all, has tempted some towards reckless speculation, which in other circumstances, would be termed as gambling. This disturbing trend, should be discouraged for the good of the financial markets.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Belief in the self.

It is rightly said, that not believing in myself, is the greatest sin that I can commit. One of the greatest Hindu saints, first brought this idea to my vision, as I had earlier not given this idea a lot of thought. He had said, "strength is virtue, Weakness is sin". By this, I believe he was inferring, that to believe that one has sinned, or making other people believe, that they have sinned, is the greatest sin. Right and wrong, are a play of the mind. One may be more understanding to what was previously thought to be a sin. For example, the death penalty, has been done away with, in some western countries. Does that make their forefathers wrong, who believed in the death penalty? One must not condone, or condemn, others or oneself. The cause of all our anger, is when we see others, see themselves, either as a villain, or as a martyr. That is the web of 'Maya', either one is a villain, or one is a martyr. To give up disbelieving in oneself, one has got to give up believing in oneself, too, at some point of time. It is best to believe in oneself, than to disbelieve, until that time arrives.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Laws and Society.

The recent spate of the law being perceived to have been broken is indeed disturbing. There have been molestations, and rapes of ladies, in public,as well as in private, robberies and murders. However, one must ask the elected rulers about these state of affairs. A pedestrian may loose a limb in a car accident, but instead of working to minimise situations of further accidents, we blame the owner, associated with the vehicle. The pedestrian has already lost his limb, and has paid for his part in the accident. Is the pedestrian to be asked, why he was foolish enough to use the road, and then go to the law for remedy? In an accident, there are two parties. I believe, that it reflects on the failure of society, as a whole, which is a further reflection on these state of affairs. The same people, who are in conflict with the law, are electing lawmakers, among themselves. Are the lawmakers, above reproach? Is this not a collective failure? Can the lawmakers say, that they have been blameless, and successful in their endeavor, towards the nation? Firstly, everyone has to be equally accountable, to oneself, before one is accountable to society. There will always be someone to run the country, but am I the best person to be a part of government? As long as we strive, can we blame others, who are always striving? I believe, law should not be a means of punishing the individual, we are already punished, by our mere survival, but law should be seen as a consequence of ones action, for example, like stepping on a banana peel, and landing on ones behind. this is because, however much you tell a person that he is wrong, it will be extremely difficult for him to accept it. Even if he does accept, he will take his acceptance as a virtue, and will call himself a martyr. The government is advised to promote peace, in the paramount interest to society.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

12th January.

Today is the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, the foremost disciple, of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa. It fills my heart with gratitude, that, like Swamiji, there are many more disciples, who are more devoted to Sri Ramakrishna, than me. When I read The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, I am a spectator, to the happenings of the book. It gives me great happiness, that Swami Vivekananda, was so cherished by Sri Ramakrishna. Indeed I remember Swamiji's birthday with more fondness, than I do that of Sri Ramakrishna. May I always be a grateful spectator, for the regard, that they had for each other.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Belief in Good and Bad.

How does one believe in good and bad? I believe, if one believes in good, one also believes in bad, which makes one both good, and bad. If one disbelieves in both good and bad, one is neither. I could never believe in bad, because, I was seen in a negative light, by a few people, whom were close to me. I could never believe, that they could believe, in their perception of me. Hence, I rejected their negativity, and also took their positivity, with a grain of salt. The last Avatar, Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa, accepted both good, and bad, because both are the doings of God. I relate to him completely. As I negate totally, he affirmed completely, being a paragon of virtue. I can never believe another human being, to be bad, and it saddens my heart, when I see this trend in attitude, increasingly around me. If I believe in Bad, I have no hope in myself, and in God, whom I cherish, and affirm, completely. It is rightly, said, those who disbelieve the world completely, believe in God completely. When comes another such as Sri Ramakrishna? May all the people whom believe in God, convert the world, to God and his ways, completely. May the world be filled with peace, and understanding.

China, and it's Political Dilemma.

I read in a recent news magazine article, that China is facing a political situation, which its leadership is not happy about. The situation is such, that local government is becoming less decentralised. I still believe, that if the Communist Party mechanism becomes more inclusive, and if the common man, who does not have any outstanding talents, believes that he belongs in some substance, to the party, through membership, the party will go far. The remuneration to the government, through taxation, should not be lessened, when compared to the wealth generated in the country. The only way, Agriculture will get a boost, and the peasants, and poor rural folk, on a widespread basis can live decently, is by the public contributing not meagerly, to its taxes. The Communist Party, has not been as thoroughly inclusive of its polity, as it should have. The only way this can take place is when the people, are encouraged to have interests which are wider in scope and range. For example, the people may take an interest in the policies of the government, and productive counterpoints, to the Party point, is contemplated more publicly by the Party, more transparently. China, like India, has a great pool, from which it can draw on leadership, but it must be less 'elitist', when it chooses its party members, and more inclusive. The bureaucratic machienery, must be more enthused, and so must the polity. This can only take place, by improving the sense of understanding, between the people of China, by challenging their concept, and thereafter, of it.


Why is it, that we cannot bear too much unhappiness? Because we are taught to experience as much happiness as possible. If one reacts to happiness, one reacts to unhappiness also. He/She, who can be self controlled in happiness, or that person, who does not go out looking for happiness, is most self controlled in unhappiness. How does one reach this state? By not identifying oneself as a personality, but by experiencing life, nonetheless, I believe. Unhappiness is nothing but disappointment, perhaps.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Naxalism and its causes.

Yesterday, on a news channel, I saw a documentary, in which adivasi's(tribals) were against their way of life being threatened, due to a large amount of Bauxite being found in the hills, which was their habitat. I seriously believe, instead of only thinking about increasing wealth, India should try to empathise, and reconcile with her poor. Because Bauxite was found on those hills, the terrain of the hills was to be destroyed, to extract the Bauxite. Does making another billion dollars, override the self dignity and right of habitat of the adivasis? Is profit more valuable than the contentment of another's life, which I might end? I am glad, that these happenings happen in India, so the fate of the hills can be contested, as is done in a mature democracy. These adivasis must be engaged, and their views empathised with. Another alternative to the whole scenario, must be thought out. I cannot believe, that there is no other alternative, than the destruction of the adivasi's way of life. Money should not be made for the sake of money, nor should progress be made, for the sake of progress.