Monday, February 15, 2010

My views on the history of Israel.

I have read the history of Israel when reading Encyclopaedia Britannica, or the online edition of the Encyclopaedia. The history of modern Israel has been tragic, not only for the state of Israel, but also for her Arab neighbours. When communicating with israel, the communication of the Arab states among themselves, particularly, and then with Israel, has not been satisfactory, either to their own interests, nor to Israel.
When Jews began to emigrate to the areas which they did, in the Middle East, then which Arab leader had the authority, to disprove of the immigration? Which Arab entity had the authority, or which Arab entities had the authority? Syria, Egypt, Transjordan, Iraq, and other Arab, and non Arab states protested, but did they have the legitimacy to do so? Was Syria, Egypt, Transjordan, etc, ruling over the areas, which were experiencing immigration? Was there a leader in what is now Israel, who was an Arab, then, and who was supported by all the Arab leaders, of the nations named? The forefathers of are now Israeli's, were hounded and despised because of their religion. Why were Christian Arabs allowed to stay in what is now Israel, in those times? Why was England allowed to have a mandate over Palestine, then, by the Arab entities? And yet, when England allowed the emigration of Jews from various diasporas, and when Arabs were not forced away, or chased away from their property, then why was there resentment, among Arabs, all over the world? Perhaps, the Arabs did not expect to see a free Palestine, over which the British Crown did not have her suzerainty. And yet, when there was a chance to have a united Palestine, with Jew's, Christian's and Muslim's to live together, then the Arab's of Palestine protested about an issue, over which they had no issue to protest.
The Israeli's, are doing to the Arabs of the West Bank, and Gaza, what the Arab's wanted to do to them. This is even more wrong. For example, would it have been acceptable, if the Jew's had exterminated the Nazi's in gas chambers, instead of the Nazi's exterminating Jew's, because the Jew's have been persecuted throughout the tenure of history? Did the God whom Jew's pray to, give them the mandate to exist in disharmony with their neighbours?
No Jewish politician has been a statesman. The jewish politician has been as his Arab foe, because he has lived in proximity, and close proximity, to his Arab foe. The Jewish politician was perhaps, more endowed than his Arab counterpart, but what was expected, was a superman of the Israeli politician. How do the Israeli's hope to keep their nation by making outcastes of their close neighbours?


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