Sunday, December 14, 2008

Politics and Islam.

I would like to start my discussion, by making observations. The two people who are identified to have introduced the creed of Islam to the Indian Subcontinent. They are Mahmud of Ghori, and Mahmud of Ghazni. These two entities, entered India proper on the pretext of spreading Islam, and it is said, that they made back to Ghori and Ghazni, with a huge bounty. These two entities, after spreading Islam in the spaces they occupied in the Indian sub continent, left those people in penury. If one visits those areas in Pakistan, those areas are in as much abject poverty, as is the rest of Pakistan. Is the territory of what was Ghori and Ghazni, then, any better, now, in wealth, or prosperity? The two entities, who invaded India, on the pretext of spreading Islam, saw their political ambitions separate from other considerations. Was the wealth that was accumulated by these entities, of any help to their people back in their territories? So, can we call these people opportunists, who did not help those whom they needed to help? In India, in the state of Gujarat, innocent individuals lost their lives, because the parties who committed the atrocities, identified themselves as members of a certain religion. These people were using their religion in politics, as Mahmud of Ghazni and Ghori did. The British taught India the game of cricket, and India exceeded the abilities of the English in that game. Have the people who profess Islam, spread the creed of Mohammad, or their own brand of Islam? In Pakistan, today, what is the state of the nation? Is Pakistan better being Pakistan? What have the people who guide Pakistan, done for Pakistan? More importantly, what does Islam have to do with the abject civil conditions in Pakistan? Why does the world look at Pakistan with trepidation? Because of Islam, or because of Pakistan? I learnt to respect The great Prophet of Islam, because I was aquainted with a Hindu Saint, who had followed the tenets of Islam, and who knew the truth about the Prophet, not because of some opportunistic person. Do I believe, that Pakistan is where she stands, because she is an Islamic state? Then can I respect the people who call themselves Pakistani's? Who is representing Islam today? Why should the Indian Muslim be associated with the chaos in Pakistan? There is no religion called Hinduism. In India, the Muslims live as brothers with others who believe in God, apart from those who follow the other religions. What does Pakistan want the Pakistani to identify positively in his nation? How does the Islam which Pakistan professes, make her respectable? Is she the equal of any Muslim state, or does she fall short, in the measure? How does she fall short in the measure, if she does? What is positive about pakistan's existence to her neighbors, Iran, Afghanistan, India, and China? Why does Pakistan give Ghori and Ghazni the honor, and name ballistic missiles after the individuals? Because of the great service, which they rendered unto Pakistan? Or because they render a great service to Pakistan, because their leaders serve Pakistan, as did Ghori and Ghazni, their own provinces?


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