Friday, December 12, 2008

The Global Financial Situation.

The current global financial situation, which seems to be a crisis, may be a corrective situation. I may be stating, what is obvious to many. I do not infer that the situation before the crisis was either good, or bad, because the financial practices were accepted by the concerned parties in the financial transaction. It may not be inferred, that the first great depression of the industrial era, was the cause of a faulty industrial effect. It was just that the perception of the industrial effect, was seen to be in the need of changes. I have heard, that the citizens of the United States, use credit cards, as a very natural act of existence. Perhaps, when they use credit cards, they are not sure of the payment, as I am not sure that I may not expire tomorrow. The financial status quo, was seen by the great financial institutions to be maintained at any cost, which was perceived as could be forseen. Just as a person does not stand still, all the time, this status quo, also came to pass. In the United States, the perception of wealth is very stark. When people perceive the trappings of wealth, they perceive, only what their senses are content perceiving. The more the senses perceive, the more the senses justify sight, sound, taste, smell, and all the other trappings of perception, at a very stark level. How can good living be made more accessible to all? Why does prosperity need to be perceived and measured? Can not a person be prosperous, and not identify himself as either prosperous, or very otherwise? Would a person be less prosperous, if he was content, with prosperity, and did not consciously want prosperity, when he was prosperous? How can prosperity be measured, as marginally prosperous, substantially prosperous, largely prosperous, etc? How can those, who are still very substantially wealthy, worry about when they will be reduced to penury? Perhaps, this mindset needs to see perspective in a different light.


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