Saturday, February 16, 2008

Waste, and Productivity.

How do we become productive, and what is waste? Why is Gold so valued? Because we get inspired by our idea of Gold. We love our association with Gold. Because of its color, its shiny element, and so on, and so forth. We proceed to make ornaments with gold. Some people may feel, ornaments are not of importance, in the manufacture of computers, for instance. But Gold can buy many computers. The economy is dependent on Gold. All because, we have decided, that Gold is good. Hindu's, and I being one of them, regard cow dung no less, because of various associations. Because of these associations, we found, that cow dung is a fuel, and has various uses. If India, had found value in what it terms waste, we would have been the most developed country in the World. One cannot eat Gold, but it has its uses. Similarly everything can be used. It may be argued, that where is the inspiration, in comparing Gold and Dung? Do we need to find inspiration, to be productive? It is our functioning which makes us productive, not our need. If we found a use for everything we associate with, we would be without need. Others would take inspiration from us, because people want to be free of need, and its associations. When we see waste, we abandon waste, but does it abandon us? It keeps on increasing. Either we must not produce waste, or find a use for waste.


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