Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Reaping and Sowing.

When Jesus Christ said, "As you sow, so shall you reap", perhaps, he was meaning, that the consequence of ones actions is not a bad thing. In life, according to my opinion, we are always reaping, and always sowing, due to our continuous action, which also includes thought. We can reconcile to our sowing, but we normally have an aversion, sometimes, to our reaping. If we can somehow, reconcile ourselves to our reaping, this world can yet become an Eden, for ourselves, and for the rest of humanity. Perhaps, the Divine Celestial Message of the Bhagwad Gita also alludes to the same, when it says, "To the action one has the right, but not to the fruit thereafter." All action in this world, is the work of God. Before we commit an action, we have no power over it. Hence, we have no power over the result of the action. Jesus Christ perhaps took the path of action he did, to bring this message to the notice of all. If we can reconcile ourselves to the negative we see in the fruit of our actions, in good grace, we may perhaps, become more fruitful, and learn to be positive about the fruit, we get.


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