Sunday, December 02, 2007

Change and Changelessness.

In our everyday life, we are much like chameleons. I refer not to myself, but to the differing ways, I view others. For example, one may get angry, with one whom one loves. Now, the person is the same, but we think of the person as lovable or not at different times. How is the human being at ease with his own fickleness? He sees fickleness, not in himself, but in other people's relationships, with himself. There is nothing in this world, which we have observed, as not changing, be it a leaf, or a human being. We yet long for stability, and changelessness. Why? Is this the dream of the Chimera? Perhaps, we see change in others, and then we change, ourselves. Which means, nothing changes. The Chimera imagines his surroundings, and then, he imagines himself, in respect to his surroundings, and then his surroundings, in respect to himself, and so it goes on. When we see ourselves helpless in a situation, that is because, we have also changed, with the previous situation. However, it is the same person we loved, our brother, who annoys us now. What changed? Because we cannot say, nothing has. We become older, because we see the world, becoming younger, and older, and accept the change. In Hinduism, there is no concept, of a permanent Heaven. However, there is a concept of an everlasting Heaven in Judaism(i presume), Christianity, and Islam. This is a wonderful, and good, concept. However, one must be on guard, because, if one sees differences in different good works, one may also see difference in good, and bad. We risk, in this differentiation, in making Heaven, into a hell. Hence, the concept, not of good, nor bad, neither of happiness, nor unhappiness, is required, but the concept of Peace, which is the concept of Heaven, is so required. Peace is greater than happiness, and good, it is in fact, an evolved form of happiness.


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