Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Life and Death.

In my opinion, life and death, are harbingers, or reminders, of the phenomenon, called change. We all have to die, because we want to die, we want change in our lives. We refuse to accept, or do not want to accept, that people can change, situations can change, etc. WE CHANGE, BECAUSE WE SEE CHANGE AROUND US. We feel, that we are not changing, but the world is changing, around us, and so we must change. Indirectly, we want to die, because we see death around us, and we want to affirm what we see. In my opinion, there is no life, and no death, because, both are opposites, which cannot exist together. We delude ourselves. We call the experience of a certain state, life, and another experience, death, and get overwhelmed by the names, "Life", and "Death". If we live before death, how can we die after death? We used words, to identify, certain perceptions, and we then, start identifying the perception, with the help of the word. I, for my part, could never believe, any perception, I experienced, because I had experienced, also, just the opposite. We are little children, when we believe in life, and death. The only way to be free of the fear, of life and death, is to be unselfish. When we hear about God, we believe, because He is the only constant, in this world of change. When I read the words of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa, I already knew, that, what He said, was the truth, I only wanted someone, like Him, to utter the words.


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