Friday, December 07, 2007

Warfare Over The Ages.

The old adage, "all's fair in love and war", seems to be the overriding point of view of military commanders in the past. The fact is, war's were ended, when one or more parties, engaged in war, were convinced, about the futility of war. Wars were not wiped out, because, the victors were not convinced of the futility of war. The victors eventually, became the ones who also lost wars, and so history is being repeated. The overriding concern of military commanders, has been, in the past, to demoralize the enemy, not to make them see the victors point of view. The debacle the Japanese faced in World War Two, was because they were faced with the possibility, of a large portion of their population being wiped out, due to the invention of nuclear weapons. The possibility, of a current Nuclear armed country, having a civilian leadership, alike that of Japan during the Second World War, in the future, is a clear and present danger, in my opinion. Wars are not an end to themselves, nor is the apprehension of an aggression by a stronger military power, the end of the desire for military armed experimentation. Parties, who see the military might of the enemy, may fight to their own extinction. This is not a danger, but in possibility, may be a reality, in the present. If the idea mentioned above, has been thought out, it will remain as an option in the minds of all, who are engaged in conflict in the future. It is in the interests of the stronger powers, on the globe, to recognize the futility of war, and to facilitate the complete absence of war, to eliminate a certain future catastrophe, which will occur otherwise, and which will wipe out warfare from the face of the Earth.


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