Thursday, June 12, 2008

The science of stimuli.

Just as we perceive the sense of touch, without perceiving the touch, but perceiving the object which touches us, and react according to what we perceive touches us, we react to stimuli, at the basic level in the same way. We basically react to touch. Why do we react to different touches, in different ways? Because of our past conditioning, and our reaction to our past conditioning. Why do we perceive? Because the answer can only be answered by another perception, it cannot be answered. The only answer is that we perceive, there is no reason. Before reason, there is no reason. Before perception, no perception. What causes the perception? If we knew what was the cause of perception, would we perceive better? Do some people perceive better, because of this cause? I believe,the cause of perception is the same. If some people can perceive like Jesus Christ, or Sri Krishna, can the cause of my perception be different? If not, why do we identify with these Spiritual Luminaries? Some people do not identify. What is the reason? They are busy identifying with their own selves, and conditioning themselves to identify themselves.


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