Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Opinion on 'Why China May Stumble' by Steve Dunaway.

One can read the piece, 'Why China May Stumble' by Steve Dunaway, on , on China's future prospects as an economic power. In my opinion, the reason why China does not have any legitimate copyright and patent laws which can stand scrutiny in the west, is because China's administration, which includes the communist party of China, has no legitimacy in the west, as a viable state, with viable internal state mechanisms. The reason why China is a hazard for patient rights, is because the west is unwilling to engage China as an equal, because her mechanism of government is not seen to be democratic, by the western democracies, which make up the G-7, along with the Asian democracy of Japan. The onus is on the G-7, and not on China, to give the Chinese government a modicum of recognition as a responsible state. Only if China is encouraged as a responsible state, will she cooperate with the other nations, to adapt to the functionings of other nations. I do not see the Chinese Communist Party 'command the heights', of the Chinese economy, for the simple reason, that the government will then get involved in the
day to day running of the Chinese economy, which will complicate matters, perhaps, or perhaps, the Chinese Government will find it easier, when it 'command's the heights of her economy', to be more in tune to the sensibilities of her trading partners. It is impossible for the west to see China as a trading partner, and not responsible, fully, towards her obligations, at the same time. Because the globe consists of many nations, interraction between nations in the matter of trade, makes it essential for nations to sustain themselves economically, through the medium of international trade. In the future, China will have to liberalize her imports, too, so that her internal demands can be met, and her internal demands are not a drain to her resources, or to her economic growth.


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