Monday, August 06, 2007

World Cooperation.

 The world has a lot to offer, and contribute, to itself. In fact, it is doing so all the time. However, because of the outlook towards the contribution, by the contributors, especially, and the contributed, the contribution appears unnatural, and the world cannot come to terms with the offer, nor the acceptance. The main cause of the unnatural contribution, is the dilemma in the world. Distribution of wealth, should be a harbinger of peace, and prosperity, not a means to survival. This is because, the entities who generate wealth, but naturally, want to make the world better. In my view, it is peace, which leads to prosperity, not happiness. Happiness is a consequence of peace. Perhaps, the wealth generating community should come
 to an understanding amongst themselves, and be more assured and secure in themselves,
so that the offer and acceptance, of the world, toward itself, is more acceptable.