Tuesday, January 17, 2006

What is your opinion on Pakistan's future?

Pakistan is at the crossroads of her destiny.
Because of the ascent of India in the global scenario, Pakistan has no choice but to review the course she took with respect to her attitude and dealings with india. In the view of some analysts, Pakistan identified herself through her hostility towards India. I find this hard to comprehend. A state has other issues apart from the security one.
For example, a government has to take certain steps for the welfare of the public, and look for ways to increase the employment rate and to reduce poverty if the country has been classified as 'a developing nation'.
However, as Pakistan has had a very limited pool of resources from which it could have chosen it's leaders, due to the iron grip of the military on its administrative and political affairs, the number of ideas on improving the lot of the people of Pakistan has been limited to a great extent. Because of the army being more competitive in military affairs its leaders were narrowminded and not able to look after Pakistan's issues.
If Pakistan had not joined the war against terror, She would have been branded a 'terriost state'. Musharraf did not have a choice but to join Bush. Musharraf, however kept the terrorists in Pakistan as he thought they gave him leaverage with the Indian and Afghan governments.
With the U S. becoming a strategic partner of India, and China keen to have close ties with her as it is beneficial to her interests to work with India, that leaves Pakistan with no option but to review its policy vis a vis India. I believe that for the survival of Pakistan, it will have to develop friendly relations with India. You simply cannot survive in the jungle by picking a fight with your neighborhood tiger with no one to protect you.
China has no reason to be pleased with Pakistan as the Al Qaeda is fomenting trouble in the eastern regions of China too.
Hence, Pakistan will have to play a new game, brought about by uncontrollable circumstances, if it is to progress, if not survive.


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